Worm Video Clips

Worm Video Clips

I’m sure by now that most of you are familiar with my good friend, Jerry “The Worm Dude” Gach (current owner of the Worm Inn brand). Most recently he was of course involved in our “Name that Worm Inn” contest (will likely have an update on the “Worm Inn Mega” front for you a bit later in the week by the way).

Well, over the last couple of months or so I have actually been helping him put together a brand new website called…drumroll please…Worm Video Clips (WVC)! As the name implies, the site is devoted entirely to online worm-related videos. The good news for us “Worm-heads” is that a high percentage of the videos are focused on various aspects of vermicomposting.

The primary source of these videos is currently YouTube (so some of them will likely be familiar), but Jerry plans to add videos from a wide range of sources over time – he will even be accepting video submissions! Speaking of which, if you are among those who are still really keen to win a Worm Inn, the good news is that you’ll likely have plenty more opportunities to do so via WVC.

Call me biased (wink wink), but I think Jerry is really onto something with this idea! There’s no doubt that there are plenty of really interesting worm videos posted online – but trying to track them down can be the annoying part. Being able to find a lot of them all in one place is going to be pretty cool if you ask me!

Jerry is definitely eager to get lots of participation on WVC – so if you know of some cool videos, or you have some unique vids you want to submit, be sure to head on over and let him know. The more we all contribute, the better the resource will be!

Looking forward to seeing where this one goes!

P.S. If you are a Facebook user please be sure to “Like” the WVC fan page as well – when you reach the WVC site you will find the link over in the left sidebar.

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  1. Great Idea. Everything in one spot.

  2. Cant wait to see all the great videos in one place! Thank You!

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