Worm Inn Journal – 01-22-10

Worm Inn Pro

Well it’s certainly been a loooooong time since my last “Worm Inn Journal” entry, so I decided today was the day! I dunno if I have some sort of vermi-clock in my head or what, but I always seem to write these updates after a very specific amount of time has passed (3 weeks, 1 month etc). In this case, it’s been exactly 3 MONTHS since my last WIJ post!

Trivial observations aside…

Part of the reason I wanted to start writing about my Worm Inn again is due to the fact that I want to start keeping tracking of how much material I am adding (and eventually removing) from the system. I’ve actually been giving this system a lot of attention (by my standards) in recently weeks just to see how much of a difference it can make, and I’ve been quite impressed with the results. As you may (or may not) recall, all I did was add a couple bags of pretty poor quality “compost ecosystem” material (basically old habitat, with SOME cocoons and worms in it) when I first set up the system, but the worm population seems to have grown by leaps and bounds since then. SO, I think we are ready to see what this puppy can really do!

As I wrote earlier in the week, I recently obtained some horse manure. This is really fresh stuff – and is primarily intended for my winter windrow bed – but I decided to add some to my Inn (all at the top, just to be safe) to help provide a good starting place. From here on out, I will likely stick to “regular” home vermicomposting materials like food waste, coffee grounds, cardboard etc.

I certainly don’t expect to be posting numbers like Mark from Kansas (whose OSCR bin has engulfed 600+ lb of waste without even breaking a sweat – haha!) – but of course we ARE dealing with a pretty significant size differerence here!

Anyway – it should be fun!
I’ll be sure to post my next update in the next week or two.

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Mark’s OSCR – 01-25-10

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Winter Worm Windrow – 01-20-10

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