I often get emails from people trying to track down worm suppliers or other vermicomposting related stuff in their area. I have set up the Worm Composting Business Directory to help worm suppliers get found, but alas there still have not been many who have signed up, nor is it as user-friendly and effective as the blog. I also get a lot of great tips and suggestions from readers relating to vermicomposting, but have never had a good place to post them.
As such, I’ve decided to try a new idea out – basically I am creating what I’m referring to as “The Share Board” (new category of the blog). This is essentially where readers can give a ‘shout out’ to everyone else who reads to blog if they have something to share, or are desperately looking for something.
I should mention right off the bat that this is NOT intended to be used for commercial purposes – i.e. I am not going to post people’s ads for products they are selling. It is simply a means of sharing any interesting worm news/events occurring in your area, or anything else worm related that you want to share. You can also use it to give away worm-related items – ie. if you have completely given up on vermicomposting (and I can’t do anything to talk you out of it – haha) for whatever reason, you could let people know that you have a free vermicomposting system or worms to give away. Lastly, it might be a good way for you to track down any information/products you happen to be looking for.
I will only use your first name in the post, or will keep it completely anonymous if you request that I do so. Just send me the text of your “share”, and if I feel it is appropriate I will post it directly.
Here are the first two listings to kick things off (kept anonymous and written by me simply because these people don’t know I am making their requests public yet):
1) Someone is looking for a composting worm supplier near Johannesburg, South Africa. If you happen to know of any, or are one yourself please send me an email.
2) Similarly, someone else is looking for worm supplier in Romania. Again, please let me know if you happen to know of any.
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3. And a worm supplier in Taiwan, please! 🙂 Thanks.
Hi Bentley, I have something to share. On July 22 I put 50 redworms in 4 coffee cans and 4 coke bottles. The worms were from Petsmart because I couldn’t find any anywhere else. I built a wooden worm bin using my “wormcicle” concept because everyone here told me it was just too hot for worms. Temps at 100 plus everyday here in San Antonio during this past month. Now they and a number of their cousins, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles are eating my garbage.
Then I met the “Worm Dude” he added to the things I learned from you and now I am even selling worms and have already sold several pounds from referrals from the people that I shopped with when I was looking. Many of my new customers tell me what I already knew. They just haven’t been able to find worms.
All this happened after finding your website while looking for information on using worms in my garden. 2 months ago I knew nothing and now this 71 year old retiree is making a difference.
Thanks Bentley you are one great vermi wizard.
Bob Packard, “The Windy Worm”
Great news, Bob! Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.
Thanks for sharing that, and of course for the kind words.