RWC Needs Your Help

Dear RWC Readers & Friends,

When I started up the Red Worm Composting website (rather innocently) almost 5 years ago, I had no grand visions, or even any expectations that it would become something that more than a handful of people would be interested in. Little did I know that I was opening up a veritable “can of worms” (if ever there was an appropriate time for that saying… haha!) in the process.

First and foremost, I discovered that there were indeed other people interested in vermicomposting – LOADS of them in fact – and simply writing about my fun vermicomposting projects seemed to be a great way to connect with many of them! I also discovered how much I truly enjoy educating, inspiring and just generally helping others – as cheesy and “Miss America” as that may sound! lol

The site has always been a “labor of love”, even with all the various associated revenue-generating projects. It’s never been a matter of me working on all this “for the money”, but rather and effort to make money so as to allow me to continue “working on all this”. As much as I enjoy the “worm business”, it’s not something I’ve ever wanted to pursue solely (at the expense of continued development of this site). My aim has been to find a balance between revenue-generating activities and the “fun” vermicomposting/gardening projects and writing that just “make sense”. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m a diehard idealist – and as a result, I can sometimes forget to put on my “reality goggles” for periods of time.

I do find solace in the fact that I KNOW, without a doubt, that if I was independently wealthy, I’d be doing exactly the same stuff I’m doing now – only BIGGER, and with even more PASSION and ENTHUSIASM!

Seriously though – I’d be on a farm property, with a massive “worm herd” chomping away on tons (literally) of waste materials – gardening like a madman – and telling everyone ALL about it!

But alas, I’m not independently wealthy, and the harsh reality is that as much as all of this feels like the right path for me, my fun/interesting “work” just isn’t really working financially. I’ve continued to hang on for as long as I can, but the “bottom-line” is that I have two very young kids who deserve more than just a passionate (albeit very loving, and involved) idealist for a dad.


With all this (and then some, times 10) in mind a number of weeks ago, I decided that if there was ONE (potentially “last”) major project I absolutely needed to complete, regardless of the outcome – it was my core vermicomposting guide – my “Complete Guide to Vermicomposting”.

As many of you will know, I DID get started on a guide last fall – the “Red Worm Composting Guide to Vermicomposting” – and managed to put together a pretty solid 76 page resource (still free for anyone who signs up for the email list). Naturally, I used that guide as the starting place for the “complete” version. Me being me, regardless of how much information I keep adding, it’s never going to feel like it’s actually complete – but rest assured, even the first edition will be much more substantial than the original (which shall henceforth be jokingly referred to as “The Incomplete Guide to Vermicomposting”!).

As per usual, I underestimated the amount of time required to put this resource together – and hoped I’d have it mostly “ready to go” by now. However, rather than risk “forcing it” or “rushing it”, I’ve opted instead to mellow out a bit and focus instead on a much more realistic early fall launch.

As touched on in another recent post (see “VermBin24 Flow-Through Vermicomposting Bin“), there’s been another interesting project in the works as well – but this one IS in fact basically ready to go. I’m referring, of course, to the new VB24 flow-through vermicomposting bin designed by Joe Denial (with some input from yours truly) – and more specifically, to the blueprint and info guide we’ve put together for those interested in this DIY system.

In light of the rather challenging situation I’m now faced with (and obviously NOT wanting to walk away from RWC if at all possible), I decided to put together an offer with the main RWC community in mind. I’ve never been one to ask for donations, or to guilt trip readers about “helping the cause” or anything like that (not that there’s anything wrong with that). I’m an entrepreneur at heart, and as such, I’ve always preferred to offer something of value in exchange for your hard-earned dolloars. This is NO exception!

**The Complete Guide to Vermicomposting Pre-Launch Dealio**

The long and the short of it is that while the VB24 guide is intended as a stand-alone product, and will be sold as such, I worked out a deal with Joe, allowing me to give it away as a gift to all those who pre-order “The Complete Guide to Vermicomposting” during the next 2-3 weeks.

I’ve also decided to create an actual membership for “Complete Guide” customers, including a member’s forum – so you’ll have the opportunity to interact with the community, and get answers to all your vermicomposting questions.

All future updates and add-ons for both products (VB24 guide and “Complete Guide” – once released) are completely free, as always.

The price?


***UPDATE: The “Complete Guide” Pre-Launch has ended (THANKS very much to all those of you who bought the package!). Stay tuned for more details on the official launch!***

If there was a monetary equivalent to the sum total of all the kind words and encouragement that people have sent in over the years, I WOULD be independently wealthy!

Whatever the results of all this, I just want to take the opportunity to thank the RWC community for making me feel like my work here has been appreciated, and that perhaps I’ve even added something of value to the overall field of vermicomposting.

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VermBin24 Flow-Through Vermicomposting Bin


  1. Whoo hoo Bentley …. will you posting theses overseas or not?

    • Bentley
    • August 20, 2011

    Hi Laura,
    One of the advantages of “e-books” (both the plans and the “Complete Guide” fall into this category) is that they can be accessed by anyone with a web connection, regardless of location. You can also access the member’s area as well – so you are good to go if you decide to order the pre-launch package!
    Thanks for your interest.

  2. Just ordered my copies. Thanks for all the effort you put into creating/maintaining this great resource for vermi lovers.

    • Bentley
    • August 22, 2011

    Thanks for the support Mike! I’ve certainly appreciated your participation here as well.

    • theophile
    • August 23, 2011

    Just ordered mine! Thanks for all your amazing work here. This resource has made keeping up my worm bins so much less stressful and so much more productive.

    • Jackie
    • August 23, 2011

    Are the books paper copies or do I have to print them out myself? I would much rather have something I can hold in my hands and carry about with me than something I can only refer to on a screen.

    • Travis
    • August 23, 2011

    Hey Bentley,

    Thanks for all you do, going to order a copy in the near future (once tuition gets paid for and what not). Thanks again!

    • Mary H
    • August 23, 2011

    Count me in! You have been an inspiration and a valuable resource for information and worms! I appreciate all your hard work and am looking forward to the “Complete” Guide ; )

    • Jacob
    • August 23, 2011

    I signed up yesterday, heck it $19. I hope you get the support needed to keep RWC alive.

  3. Theophile/Travis – thanks very much!!
    Jackie – I definitely understand your desire to hold something in your hands. Unfortunately, these are indeed e-resources (at least for now).
    I DO think the membership (forum etc) has the potential to add a great deal of value to the package – but again, it will require computer viewing.

  4. Wait, the VB24 plans comes with the guide? SWEET!

    • Bradford Bender
    • August 23, 2011

    I also just used Pay Pal to purchase your pre-launch “The Complete Guide to Vermicomposting”, and I hope enough people will purchase this product or other products from you that you can justify all this work you do. People need to rise to the occassion and vote with their money from time to time to support good people doing good works and not getting paid enough for it. I hope you can get enough financial support to continue doing what you love to do.

    • Bentley
    • August 24, 2011

    Damon – absolutely. I figure if people are willing to pre-order something they should get at least SOME sort of bonus!!
    Bradford – WOW! You totally made my day with that comment. Thanks so much! I sure hope you are able to do what YOU love as well!
    Mary H (sorry for delay) – thanks very much for your kind words as well!

    • Liz
    • August 24, 2011

    Purchased the $19 steal!
    I would gladly make an annual donation to the website or would pay to be a “supporting partner” to keep you here.

    Come on folks, buy the $19 special and show Bentley we value him.

    Liz in Texas.

  5. Hi Bentley

    If you did want to offer your readers hard copies of the book I can recommend they print-on-demand for a reasonable price. You just upload a word document and it does most of the conversion work for you – no catches. I used them for my novel for friends and family.

    Good luck with it all mate. I’ve just had a baby so I understand that financial reality feeling. You can still be a dreamer though! Not enough of them around!

    • Tommy
    • August 24, 2011

    I am interested in your DIY Compost Tumbling, but over heir in England, the English business people don’t like the warred give (EG) the local super stores wood prefer to dump their out of date fruit and vegetables and old bred and cakes rather than give them a way, so I have to buy everything for the worms to heat and even some bedding I went to a local manufactures for A pickle barrel the type you have for the Tumbler and whose told me no way can you have won, I am a beginner and at the age of 71 years I am interested in gardening and nature ,but ther business person in my native land stale amazes me
    The warred ecology of the land goes in one ear and out of the other, but I will keep trying for a barrel and may be some won some war will let me have one .
    I N the UK

    • Bentley
    • August 24, 2011

    Liz – you are awesome! Thanks so much for the purchase, and your kind words!
    Joe – thanks for the info. I’ve heard of Lulu before but haven’t received a review from anyone who has used them. Very interesting! Will definitely start exploring the options once the dust settles a bit (after the release of the finished e-version).
    Thanks also for your kind words!
    Tommy – thanks for your interest in the DIY tumbler package. It CAN be a bit tough trying to track down a barrel source in some areas, but I definitely recommend sticking with it (especially online). I’m sure there must be someplace you can obtain one.

    • Just another Worm Farmer
    • August 25, 2011

    How many of us have said “GEE Wish I had thought of that” when Bentley comes up with another one of his upside-down inside-out hair-brained Ideas. This Blog inspires so many of us to do things a little different. And I could go on with how he has brought into this Blog the ideas of others to share with us, inspired some to start their own business and on and on.

    I hope if you have been touched by this Blog you will support it in what ever way you can. Lets see this site temporally shut-down from overwhelming support and not shut down permanently from lack of support.
    Bentley keep thinking outside the BIN !!

    Just another Worm Farmer

    • wendy
    • August 25, 2011

    Hello Bentley,
    just realised itw as electronic not hard copy, ohwelll Im old school, going to purchase one.
    have always enjoyed reading about your projects, inspired me in many ways. ever consider runing for office? many will vote for you.

    looking forward to stay in touch with the worm community and you too.
    wendy from jersey

  6. Thanks very much, Wendy!
    As for politics – lol – never been of much interest to me, but hopefully I can still manage to positively influence a lot of people via the site (and beyond).

    • Bentley
    • August 26, 2011

    Just Another Worm Farmer B – I just realized your comment hadn’t been approved yet – sorry bout that!
    THANKS for your kind words. I am truly overwhelmed by all this! Just floored.

    Going to to do everything I can to make sure those hair-brained ideas keep-a-comin!

  7. Have u suggeted putting adds on the site

    • Bentley
    • August 29, 2011

    Hi Alex,
    I’ve had Google Adsense on the website for quite some time but have gradually been replacing them since they take people away from the site and don’t result in all that much extra income. I MAY try opening up sponsor advertising spots in the left sidebar to help bring in some extra monthly revenue though. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

    • helen
    • September 1, 2011

    will we be able to order in the future. I missed the deadline.:( I have greatly enjoyed your site, you are the reason I want to get into worm composting. I hope you can still be an inspiration to all of us in some way.
    Thank you for all the time and effort you put into such a wonderful project.

    • Bentley
    • September 1, 2011

    Hi Helen,
    Thanks for the kind words. The “Complete Guide” package (minus the VB24 plans – but including some other “new” stuff) will indeed be available again once the guide is…uhhh..complete! lol
    Hoping this will be sometime towards end of September.

    • helen
    • September 1, 2011

    will we be able to purchase the vb24 plans in the near future? I hope so. πŸ™‚
    Thank you for all you do.

    • Bentley
    • September 2, 2011

    Absolutely, Helen! The VB24 plans and the “VB Series” plans (all VB bins included) will be made available sometime in the next week or two (fingers crossed). Joe is currently very busy with work so we’re just waiting things to ease off for him.
    Thanks for your interest!

    If you want to stay in the loop – click on the VB Series Banner and sign up for the notification list.

  8. Hey B! I been having a tough time of it lately.But i’d give you the shirt off my back if you needed me to,to keep the site afloat! Raising kids is tough! No need to explain to us who been there! And those who haven’t yet,you will learn!
    By the way,i wear a 2XL! Gonna be a little loose on ya! But it’s yours if you need it! Thanks for posting those hair brained ideas! It kept me from pulling mine out more than once!
    “The Garbage Guru”

    • Bentley
    • September 4, 2011

    LARRY! Great to hear from you (was getting worried) – thanks for your kind words.

    • matoofas
    • September 25, 2011

    just got my “VermBin24” PDF and it looks so easy! I wish I were indipendly wealthy, As I would go into buisness with you and keep RWC up and running! (Talk about “Hair-brained ideas!). You are my “HERO”!!!

    • Bentley
    • September 26, 2011

    Haha – thanks Tom! I appreciate the very kind words!
    Still struggling here, but the response from awesome folks like yourself has made a huge difference!

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