Worm Cocoon Hatching-05-21-10

Red Worm Cocoons

Well, it’s been three days since I started my first “worm cocoon hatching experiment” so today was the day for removing the two bins from the refrigerator (according to my schedule for this particular trial). Of course, it only made sense that it would also be a good day for checking on the hatching status of the cocoons in all the systems.

I thought perhaps that we might see some hatching in the room temperature system containing cantaloupe, but as far as I can tell there has not been hatching in any of the four bins yet.

Moving forward, it will probably be a good idea for me to check on all the systems daily so that we don’t miss too much (would obviously defeat the purpose if I waited a week or two, only to find that most of the cocoons have hatched out in all the systems! haha).

Anyway – that’s pretty much it for this update. I will write another post once there is actually something to report on!
Stay tuned!

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    • Don
    • May 22, 2010

    Great photos. with that resolution, we should be able to see them in the casings.

    • John in Huntington Beach
    • May 22, 2010

    How do you get them so clean, Bentley?

    Whenever I can get a few separated, they are usually covered in poop. I have been hesitant to wash them.

    • Bentley
    • May 22, 2010

    DON – They are reasonably easy to find once you know what you are looking for. Not quite that big though – haha. More like grape seeds.
    JOHN – As mentioned in my first post about this trial I actually DID give them a quick tap water bath to see if I could remove any potential aged-horse-poop chemicals that might trigger hatching. They definitely had lots of stuff stuck to them at first.

    • Michael
    • May 22, 2010

    I know it’s early but is there any noticeable color differences of the eggs from one container to the next?

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