Worm-Head Christmas

You know you are a worm head when you make a sledding hill by piling snow on your big backyard worm bin, and your daughter’s toboggan is a multi-purpose worm sorting tray!

Hi Everyone – tis the season for not having quite as much time for vermi-blogging, unfortunately (especially with a new baby in da house)! Not sure how many posts I’ll be able to get up during the next couple of weeks, but I at least wanted to wish everyone a VERY happy holiday season!

Things should definitely start getting back to normal in the new year!

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    • Brad Howard
    • December 20, 2010

    Merry Christmas to Bentley “the worm guy” Christie and your family, best wishes also to all the worm heads out there.
    One guess what I asked for from Santa ? yep , a new worm bin hehe.
    Thanks to everyone on the site for all the great blogs and articles. Really has been fun reading and watching this site : )
    From Brad , worm fan from downunder : )

    • Ted
    • December 20, 2010

    Thank you, Bentley
    My best to Bentley and his family and to all of the RWC folks and yours.

  1. Bentley,

    Very Cute! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Wormy New Year. Thank you for your support this year and may all go well for you in the next year.


    • Jorge Gómez López
    • December 21, 2010

    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Very good New Year. Thank you for your support this year.
    From Santiago de Chile.

    • John Duffy
    • December 21, 2010

    Merry Christmas to you & your family & all the fellow worm heads out there. Looks like your daughter is having a marvelous time playing in the snow with good-ole dad. These are times you’ll truly cherish.
    Who knew a re-purposed worm sorting tray would make such a great sled? 20 years from now we’ll get to enjoy pics of your grandkids having just as much fun while your daughter says, “daddy used to do this with me when I was little…”
    Everyone, hug your kids & grand kids.
    Happy worming, one & all

    • Steven
    • December 21, 2010

    Merry Xmas Worm-guy!

    Great website – I just got into vermiculture a month ago and thank god for the internet and informative sites like yours.

    Do you have any tips on monitoring the worms in the bin without them diving for cover from the light? I read somewhere about using a ‘red light’….


    Melbourne, Australia

    • Larry D.
    • December 21, 2010

    I’m gonna need a taller worm bin! By my caculations,if i had a wormbin 18 feet tall,3 sorting trays(one to sit in,and two for my feet)and some snow,i can reach 18.3 miles per hour at maximum velocity.Hence18ft,3 trays!Comes to 18.3. Don’t know why i didn’t think of it sooner.Just seeing children playing in the snow,can do wonders to open your mind,when you think back to your childhood days!
    Merry Christmas,and happy New Year everyone!

    • Anna
    • December 22, 2010

    Great sledding hill! I now have something to aim for next year.

    I’m wishing you and your family joy and comfort in these dark days of winter.

  2. You know you are a worm head when you ask for a 50 pound bag of alfalfa pellets for Christmas!

    • Kator
    • December 23, 2010

    Merry Christmas fellow redwormcomposting fans.

    It’s been six months since my first contact with Bentley and our introduction to vermicomposting. It started as a curiosity and is evolving into a (fun driven) commitment towards improving the environment.

    May 2011 bring great joy and happiness and prosperity to all.

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