Wooden Stacking Worm Bin

        Image courtesy of Wood Worm Farms

A couple of days ago I ordered a brand new worm bin for myself. I can’t wait till it arrives. This is the first official worm bin I’ve purchased, believe it or not! All my other systems have been do-it-yourself jobs (mostly rubbermaid tubs, but also my large outdoor wooden bin).

Aside from being my first worm bin purchase, it will also be my first ‘continuous flow’ (a.k.a ‘flow-through’) system! It is essentially a wooden version of the various ‘worm tower’ bins out there (eg. ‘worm chalet’, ‘worm factory’ etc).

I bought it from Wood Worm Farms. It is their largest unit (the 5 tray system). In my mind, the more trays the better – this way, by the time I’ve filled the uppermost tray, the lowest one will likely be full of well-aged castings.

Needless to say I’ll be providing a full play-by-play once it arrives!

In related news

I’m also finally going to be getting my greedy little hands on some European Nightcrawlers (Eisenia hortensis) fairly soon as well. These worms are a larger cousin of the red wiggler (Eisenia fetida and/or Eisenia andrei), the only species of composting worm I have worked with thus far. Euros are reportedly slower breeders and not as effective as composting worms, but I’m still really eager to get a firsthand look at them and see for myself what they are like in a worm bin. Should be lots of fun! I may put them in my new system, but not 100% sure yet (may opt for a larger Rubbermaid tub instead).

Stay tuned!

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    • Kami
    • November 17, 2007

    What a bin! I am green w/envy. That’s the best-looking bin I have ever seen.

    • Dave
    • November 18, 2007

    I await your updates. I have been considering this type of bin but until now I’ve only seen the expensive plastic type. I would like to see how well the vertical idea works.

    • Bentley
    • November 18, 2007

    Thanks for stopping by!
    The system arrived on Friday so I will definitely provide an update fairly soon.


    • Kami
    • November 26, 2007

    Has your worm home arrived?

    • Bentley
    • November 26, 2007

    Yes indeed! It actually arrived more than a week ago (but I’ve been super busy and thus unable to write about it). You can expect to see an update very soon!

    • Jeff
    • December 1, 2007

    Looking at my book “Profitable Earth Worm Farming” By Charlie Morgan Copyright 1957

    boxes may be sealed by brushing with melted paraffine wax on the inside or outside or both, this may preserve the wood..

    • Bentley
    • December 3, 2007

    That is a fantastic idea! Thanks for sharing that.

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