Hi everyone – just a quick heads-up about a couple of new features, in case you hadn’t noticed them.
Raising Earthworms – This a new section dedicated to the topic of…wait for it…raising earthworms! Yay!! Seriously though, this is a really important topic since the success of a worm composting system of course depends on the health and well-being of your worm population. Many people almost seem to forget the fact that they are in essence looking after a population of living, breathing animals (I know, it sounds funny to refer to them as ‘animals’, but that is what they are!). Believe me, taking good care of worms is not rocket science, especially if you are familiar with the main requirements. Hopefully this page will be helpful – especially for those just starting out. I will definitely be expanding it over time as well.
Worm Composting Videos – I’ve mentioned (a number of times now) my plans to provide access to the high-resolution versions of my video presentations. Well ,I’m happy to report that the new page is ready, and with it a link to my new winter worm composting video (along the the slightly shorter YouTube version). I’ll definitely be added a bunch more videos over the next few months as well.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Stay tuned – much more on the way!
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