Trench Vermicomposting – at the 2019 Homegrown Food Summit!

In case you haven’t “heard”, I was invited to put together a presentation for this year’s Homegrown Food Summit (2019) – the topic: Trench Vermicomposting!

I’ve been a huge fan of the summit ever since it got its start back in spring of 2015. In fact, as some of you may recall, it was thanks to Joel Karsten’s Straw Bale Gardening talk (links to a blog post I wrote on the topic) that I ended up going completely overboard with a crazy hay-bale-vermicomposting-trench project that season.

It’s truly humbling to actually be invited to present at this event – especially seeing my name alongside people like Joel Salatin and Paul Wheaton – and I couldn’t imagine a better topic than vermicomposting trenches for the occasion!

The presentation itself actually needed to be finished and submitted by early December 2018. I won’t claim it was a walk in the park getting it put together in time, but I’m SO glad it worked out that way since A) there’s no risk of scrambling to get the thing finished at the last minute (although there was back in December – haha!), and B) there’s a lot less pressure with something that’s pre-recorded (and edited) than if I had to actually present live.

That being said – I am aiming to “hang out” for as much of the presentation day as I can, answering questions and just generally interacting with my audience!

The summit itself runs from March 18th to 24th – but there are some carry-over days after that for re-airing popular presentations etc.

My talk is on the very last (regular) day – March 24th. I’m actually really happy about this since I think it will be easier for people to find time to watch on a weekend than during the week, and it gives me a bit more time to get my ducks in a row (and hopefully more people rounded up to watch).

This is easily the most extensive coverage of the topic of vermicomposting trenches I have ever put together – so if this happens to be something you are interested in, I highly recommend getting signed up for the summit (it is completely free*).

Anyone registered for the event (and able to be there on the presentation day) will have access to a summary guide I have been putting together based on the information shared in the presentation.

*NOTE: The summit presentations are completely free to watch on the days they air (including the repeat days), but registrants are invited to purchase permanent access to the event. There is absolutely no pressure to do so – but these package purchases do help to support the event (I can only imagine how many hours go into put it together) and even us presenters, who can earn referral commissions if any people we refer do decide to buy.

My big goal is to get as many people (especially my enthusiastic “worm head” friends/followers) there on game day! Even if you aren’t able to watch the whole thing, stopping by to add a positive comment etc would be amazing!

Hope you can make it!

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Vermicomposting Trenches vs Vermicomposting Planters

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Silage and Old Straw/Hay Bales as Worm Food


    • David Rx
    • March 15, 2019

    You are really in the groove getting so much material all lined up for this!

    Thank you for the link, I will cut out of work (sometimes it feels like a rut) so I can tune in to that channel.

    • Bentley
    • March 16, 2019

    Thanks David!

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