Winter Pick-Me Ups


I wrote yesterday about being in a bit of a “rut” as far as writing goes. We’re in that rather dreary transition stage between late fall and early winter, so it’s cold and gloomy but not yet really snowy and fun!

With everything that’s been going on this fall, I really haven’t getting any cool worm composting projects started, other than my “Winter Worm Windrow” (something I’ll likely bore everyone to tears with by the time we reach Christmas – haha!), so that certainly doesn’t help!

Anyway, while I was feeling all glum and bummed (haha), I happened to glance into my photo folders and it suddenly dawned on me that I have heaps of pics that have never been shown on the site.


Why not start sharing them here? Might be a fun way to start up some conversations, and to help remind all us Northern folks that there will indeed be plenty of greener days ahead!

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Winter Worm Windrow-12-2-10


    • Jason
    • December 3, 2010

    I’m suprised you don’t have a greenhouse or indoor garden system going.

  1. Would certainly do so if I had the time/space.
    May do a little growing this winter under fluorescents in my basement, but that will likely be the extent of it.

    • Kator
    • December 3, 2010

    Bentley, I managed to stake out an area for my first windrow, but can’t find the time or maybe the get-go to dig a trench to at least prepare for next year. Like you I’m in a “rut.” This time of the year stalls my initiative 🙂

    • Anna
    • December 4, 2010

    This was a lovely, sunny photo on what is a very bitter, cold, gray day. I’ve recently had my first big (and I do mean BIG) stink in my worm bins. While I should be thankful I’ve made it through my first full year of worm composting without such a disaster, I was somehow not grateful as I spooned liquified, putrescent rotting pumpkin out of my bins. To boot, I’ve got the song “I’ve got the funk” into my head and it won’t go away. I don’t think I will ever think of the song the same way again.

    • Frank
    • December 4, 2010

    Hi Bentley,

    We all have down times, that’s for sure. Thanks for the update on the outdoor activities.

    After decades in the northeast, my wife and I at last have made it south to Simpsonville, SC. Even though temps are below freezing at night, we get well above freezing by mid-day, and the “cold” winter will be so much shorter. Yey!! The move came at quite price, but I am glad we did it, and I love being here.

    Thanks for the opportunity to post my thoughts.



    • Brian
    • December 4, 2010

    A RUT!? Between your manual, your book, and your mini-course it looks like you’ve been writing non-stop since September! Cut yourself some slack man, you deserve it 🙂

    • Larry D.
    • December 5, 2010

    Yeah,you got lots to talk about! Any chance you can start a blog later,where we can add what we are doing to get heat in our bins,misfortunes,triumphs,etc? We are fixing to get to 20f already! Not something for those used to it.But i am not used to that kind of cold.I don’t even have a coat for that temp.My worms will need to be protected good this winter it appears.If i pass this test,i will know what to do from now on.If i don’t,it will be worm start over time!
    Can we add pics? I have a few brite pictures.But don’t know how to reduce their size where they fit!

    • Larry D.
    • December 5, 2010

    I should add,you know how bad i am at uploading stuff! It might drive you crazy in the long run.I may leave a link to the photos.But it does not make it easy to glance at every ones photos without a lot of work!

    • Andrew
    • December 5, 2010

    Larry, you have to put the photos you want to show here on Photobucket (or something like it). There’s a link below the comment box that says “You can add images to your comment by clicking here.”. The part I can never remember is whether to insert a direct link or html once you “click here”. I’m going to try and post a photo titled “Future Worm Food”[img][/img]

    • Andrew
    • December 5, 2010

    Ok, so “direct link” is the correct choice. It’s basically the url for the photo (

    Not sure why the photo is so grainy. I didn’t want the file to be too large, but usually the quality is better for this size jpeg. Oh well.

    • Bentley
    • December 6, 2010

    Thanks everyone!

    BRIAN – I really appreciate your sentiments. Definitely provides some needed perspective. I guess what it comes down to is my desire to see RWC continue on the same way it always has. I definitely don’t want it to suffer just because I am trying to get these other projects off the ground. Anyway – no biggie! There are always going to be hills and valleys. The most important thing is to just keep chugging along.

    ANDREW – thanks for helping out with the photo stuff. I’m actually kinda frustrated with the photo adding feature for the comments. Apart from requiring that people know how to link to an online photo file, it also requires that said photo file be 500 px or less (width) in order to fit properly. This is why I haven’t bothered to keep pushing the whole “add your photos” idea after my initial enthusiasm.

    • Larry D.
    • December 6, 2010

    Okay,i joined photobucket.Let me see if it works.This is a picture of a tropical water lilie.Once i get my vermi ponics set up going,i hope to start over.I lost these pretty beauties.My wife loves roses.These are my favorites! Hope it works![img][/img]

    • Larry D.
    • December 6, 2010

    Sorry folks! Darned if i can do it! I guess the numbers i was looking at were not megapixels.Nice half of a flower though! He He!

    • Andrew
    • December 7, 2010

    Very nice water lily, Larry! I didn’t know about the pixel limit. I’m sure Photobucket has a way to resize a photo.

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Hope i got it figured out.It seems simple to re-sie at photobucket.If it works,i can quit driving Bentley crazy! Here goes nothing![img][/img]

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Oh yeah! If i can do it at photobucket,any one can! Trust me! Bentley,you can finally relax! I learned something about a computer.Yea! Now if i can just remember how to log back in to photobucket? HE HE!

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Here is the re-sized photo.I don’t know what it is about pond lilies and the water noise,but it makes me feel like i am in a real tranquil place just staring at the flowers moving in the water! Other folks are probably looking behind me,saying”What’s that dude looking at? I don’t see any coins in the bottom!” :-)[img][/img]

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    UH OH!

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Okay,it said it was the right size photo.Bentley,if it is wrong again ,please delete the boo boo’s.I’m wanting to learn this feature though![img][/img]

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Sorry Bentley!

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    Last try! I told you i was persistent![img][/img]

    • Larry D.
    • December 7, 2010

    That one photo must just have it stuck on that size.It says it is the right file width,but does not transfer it to here! I’ll just let you guess what the other side of the flower looks like. It is the same as the other side,if that helps!

    • Heather Rinaldi
    • December 7, 2010

    Beautiful photos guys. I walked my kids/dog to school at 32 degrees F this am. I hate being cold…I need those photos too!

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