Ria’s Mighty Mega Sale

Last night I was chatting – via the RWC Facebook Group – with Larry Shier and Ria Tjiong (who recently inspired me to start up an experimental bucket vermicomposting system).

Long story short, Ria expressed her interest in the Worm Inn Mega, and suggested that I hold a “Boxing Day Sale” so she could buy one then.

“Good idea”, I thought (and wrote in response). But I figured there was no need to wait THAT long!

My “Mighty” adjective may be marginally misleading (I’m a sucker for alliteration – what can I say? lol)…BUT, if you HAVE been thinking about purchasing a Mega, for the next 7 days you can do so and enjoy a $20 discount when you use the coupon code “RIA-MEGA” (no quotes) on the checkout page.

Here’s a link in case you need it: The Worm Inn – Continuous Flow Vermicomposting System

Thanks, Ria! And thanks in advance to those of you who decide to grabba Mega!

P.S. Don’t forget the use the coupon code – and remember this all ends next Friday!

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The Mystery Mega Man


    • Charu
    • October 18, 2014

    I am interest in buying the worm in basket!
    Can you guide me to it?
    Thank you,

    • Miles Cunningham
    • October 18, 2014

    What good is a sale on a “Mega” if I can’t buy it in Canada? Your a canadian and promoting this item that is not available here, I’m disappointed and wondering why this is.

    • Bill Braun
    • October 21, 2014

    I bought the Worm Inn Mega about six months ago. It has been great. If you are on the edge, I encourage you to give it a try. It is less cumbersome that plastic bins (if you are currently using one). I have no experience with the Verm Bin 24 so I cannot offer a comparison on that.


    • Bentley
    • October 21, 2014

    Hi Charu
    If you are asking for the Worm Inn order page, you can find it here:

    BILL – that’s awesome! Really glad you’ve had success with it.

    • Bentley
    • October 22, 2014

    Hey Miles – sorry for delay. Just found your comment (awaiting approval) this morning.

    I mentioned this in the email I sent out to the RWC email list (perhaps you are not on it), but anyone in Canada is more than welcome to contact me about purchasing a Worm Inn up here. I DO have them available. The pricing won’t be the same, but I can still offer a sale price. Just send me an email via my Canadian site:

    • charu
    • October 22, 2014

    Hi Bentley,
    This is Charu again 🙁 🙂
    I am having a hard time with harvesting.
    My worms are working just great – lots of castings – I am still using the plastic boxes one on top of the other.
    It casting comes out wet, and gooey. I remember you mention that we need to dry it and if it is too dry – it is not good anymore.
    Do you have a video to show how to harvest? It that easier with the Worm Inn and if so why? What I am doing right now is to separate as much as possible the worms and the gooey black stuff I just put them on the plants – also I put water and made it really watery and put on the plants. Can you guide me here PLEASE!!! Thank you! Also do you know of any one that have worms and like to talk about worms with me in Berkeley California? Thank you! You are Great!

    • Bentley
    • October 23, 2014

    Charu – wet vermicompost is fine, but yes it might not be a bad idea to let it dry out some. Just dump everything into an open tub of some sort and then break up the material as it dries (definitely don’t want it to dry into a solid mass).
    With the Worm Inn, because of the air flow (and drainage) you don’t get that same sort of mucky vermicompost – so it’s basically just a matter of scraping it from the bottom.
    There are definitely other vermicomposters in your area – I recommend asking on the Facebook group or vermicomposters forum to connect with folks in your area.

    • Bill Braun
    • October 23, 2014

    Hi Charu,

    I started with Rubbermaid tubs. They were a very good way to get started in many respects but chronically wet castings was a real annoyance (for me), and prompted me to change to the Worm Inn. Since then castings have been moist but not wet. Extra moisture drains out the bottom into a pail. I’ve been happy with the results.

    Bill (no financial interest in the Worm Inn)

    • charu
    • October 23, 2014

    Hello Bentley,
    Thank you so much!
    I am letting it dry and also I am taking the top off…for better air flow.
    I don’t have any bad smell at all, only the wonderful earth smell – so I am happy to say the worms are doing there job.
    When I have a bit of more cash flowing in I will purchase the worm inn, I can’t wait to try it – and keep it inside my kitchen. Right now I have the worm on my garage, away from the sun – it’s been really hot in Berkeley just starting to change to fall like weather.
    And Thank you Bill Braun for your comment – I hear you!
    Also I will try to connect with other vermicomposters in Berkeley – I would love to see and exchange notes with others. I want to continue with doing this but at times I feel a bit resourceless – so I thank you Bentley for creating this venue for us all.
    many blessings,

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